Craig Cash and Caroline Aherne relationship

By sayyed ayan

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Craig Cash and Caroline Aherne relationship

Craig Cash and Caroline Aherne relationship

Craig Cash and Caroline Aherne relationship – In the 1990s and 2000s, two of the most beloved comedy writers and actors in the UK were Craig Cash and Caroline Aherne. They teamed up on several well-known TV series, such as “Early Doors,” “The Mrs. Merton Show,” and “The Royle Family.” Let’s delve into their backgrounds and the remarkable work they did.

Craig Cash and Caroline Aherne relationship
Craig Cash and Caroline Aherne relationship

Craig Cash Wiki

Craig Cash is a talented English comedian, actor, voice actor, director, writer, and producer who has even won a prestigious BAFTA award. He’s known for his work on a variety of TV programs, including “The Royle Family,” “The Fast Show,” “The Mrs. Merton Show,” “Early Doors,” “Sunshine,” “The Café,” “Rovers,” and “After Hours.”

Born in Liverpool in 1960, Craig Cash started his career as a stand-up comedian. Later, he ventured into writing and acting. One of his significant collaborations was with Caroline Aherne in creating “The Mrs. Merton Show” in 1990. This show catapulted both Cash and Aherne’s careers to new heights.

In 1992, Cash and Aherne co-created “The Royle Family.” This series enjoyed immense success, running for nine seasons. Cash played the character Dave Best, the son of Jim and Barbara Royle, and even wrote and directed some episodes of the show.

Cash’s talents also shone in the sitcom “Early Doors,” where he not only acted but also produced the series. His character, Barry Spencer, was centered around a Stockport bar, and the show received critical acclaim and financial success over its four seasons.

Craig Cash’s reach extended beyond television. He made appearances in various other TV programs like “Gogglebox,” “That Peter Kay Thing,” and “The Fast Show.” Additionally, he explored the world of film, writing and directing projects like “Sunshine” and “After Hours.”

To top it all off, Craig Cash’s personal life is equally fascinating. He is happily married to Stephanie Davies, and they have two children. They reside in Mellor, South Greater Manchester.

In essence, Craig Cash is a multi-talented and successful figure in the world of comedy, acting, writing, and directing. His contributions to British comedy will be cherished for generations to come.

Caroline Aherne Wiki

Caroline Aherne was an English actress, comedian, and writer renowned for her roles as the sarcastic chat show presenter Mrs. Merton, various characters in “The Fast Show,” and as Denise in the co-written television series “The Royle Family” (1998–2012). Her remarkable work earned her BAFTA honors for both “The Royle Family” and “The Mrs. Merton Show.”

Born on December 24, 1963, in Ealing, London, Aherne was the second child of Irish parents Bartholomew Edmond “Bert” Aherne and Mary Frances “Maureen” Aherne (née Regan). She grew up in Wythenshawe, Manchester, from the age of two. Aherne faced the challenge of retinoblastoma during her childhood, the same disease that affected her brother Patrick’s vision. She attended West Didsbury’s Hollies Convent FCJ School before enrolling at Liverpool Polytechnic to study acting.

Aherne’s career began as a writer for the BBC Radio 4 show “The News Quiz.” In 1990, she teamed up with Craig Cash to co-create “The Mrs. Merton Show.” The show was an instant hit and proved to be a significant milestone in both Aherne and Cash’s careers. Aherne portrayed the character of Mrs. Merton, a chat show host known for asking guests very personal questions in a deadpan manner.

Craig Cash and Caroline Aherne relationship

In 1992, Aherne and Cash co-created “The Royle Family,” another highly successful venture. The show received critical acclaim and ran for nine series. Aherne played the role of Denise Royle, the daughter of Jim and Barbara Royle. She also displayed her versatility by writing and directing several episodes of the show.

Aherne’s talents extended beyond these two iconic shows. She appeared in various other television programs, including “The Fast Show,” “That Peter Kay Thing,” and “Gogglebox.” Her creative abilities also ventured into the world of film, where she wrote and directed several projects, including “The Smell of Reeves and Mortimer.”

Caroline Aherne was a highly skilled and prosperous comedian, actress, and writer. Her contributions to British comedy will continue to bring laughter to audiences for generations to come.

Tragically, on July 2, 2016, at the age of 52, Caroline Aherne passed away due to lung cancer. She is survived by her mother, her brother, and her partner, Peter Hook.

Relationship Between Craig Cash and Caroline Aherne

For many years, Caroline Aherne and Craig Cash were not only close friends but also frequent collaborators. Their friendship began during the early 1990s while working on the radio show “The News Quiz.” Their shared love for comedy made them fast friends, and they soon started collaborating on various projects, including “The Mrs. Merton Show” and “The Royle Family.”

Both Cash and Aherne were exceptionally talented comedians who shared a similar sense of humor. This common ground allowed them to brainstorm ideas and create unforgettable comedic routines and characters.

Their connection went beyond just a working relationship; they were genuine friends. They supported each other through thick and thin, both in their personal lives and careers.

Craig Cash and Caroline Aherne relationship

However, around the year 2000, there was a rough patch in their friendship and professional partnership. Rumors circulated about a falling out, leading to a temporary halt in their collaboration. Thankfully, they eventually reconciled, and from then until Aherne’s untimely passing in 2016, they continued to work together on various projects.

Craig Cash has openly expressed his enduring affection for Caroline Aherne. He has vowed never to forget their relationship or the incredible things they achieved together. He remains deeply grateful for the time they spent together and intends to cherish the moments they shared.


In conclusion, Craig Cash and Caroline Aherne were true legends in the world of British comedy. Their collaborations brought laughter to countless households, and their individual talents shone brightly. Despite the ups and downs in their friendship, their enduring bond and shared passion for comedy will always be remembered. The legacy they leave behind continues to entertain and inspire audiences, ensuring that their work will be enjoyed for generations to come.

Why did Craig Cash and Caroline Aherne have a falling out?

Craig Cash and Caroline Aherne had a falling out in 2000. This happened because of the stress and strain caused by their collaboration on “The Royle Family,” where they also played husband and wife on-screen. Caroline Aherne decided that she had had enough, and this led to a widely reported rift between them.

What is Craig Cash doing now?

Craig Cash currently lives in Mellor, Greater Manchester. He is married to Stephanie Davies, and they have two sons named Harry and Billy. Interestingly, Harry and Billy even made an appearance in an episode of “The Royle Family” called “The Queen of Sheba.” Craig Cash is also a lifelong supporter of Manchester City, the football club.

What eye condition did Caroline Aherne have?

Caroline Aherne had an eye condition called retinoblastoma since she was very young, starting from the age of two. This condition left her partially sighted in one eye, which means she had some difficulty with her vision in that eye.

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sayyed ayan

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