Is Vanessa Feltz In A Relationship

By sayyed ayan

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Is Vanessa Feltz In A Relationship

Is Vanessa Feltz In A Relationship

Is Vanessa Feltz In A Relationship – The world of celebrity relationships is often a topic of intrigue and fascination for the public. One recent breakup that grabbed headlines was between Vanessa Feltz and her longtime partner, Ben Ofoedu. The couple had been together for a remarkable 16 years before parting ways, leaving many wondering about Vanessa’s current relationship status. In this article, we delve into the details surrounding their breakup and explore whether Vanessa Feltz is currently in a new relationship.

The End of a 16-Year Love Story

Vanessa Feltz and Ben Ofoedu’s love story was a long and enduring one. They had been together since 2005, making appearances together on-screen and in magazines. However, their relationship came to an abrupt end, and the news of their breakup left fans in shock.

Is Vanessa Feltz In A Relationship

Vanessa, a 60-year-old Celebrity Big Brother star, confirmed the split to The Sun, revealing that she was devastated by the breakup. She expressed her disbelief at being single at 60 but also emphasized her determination to move forward positively, believing that the best is yet to come.

Speculations of Infidelity

The breakup was accompanied by rumors and speculations of infidelity on Ben Ofoedu’s part. Vanessa Feltz reportedly discovered that Ben had been unfaithful multiple times during their 16-year relationship. The revelation came as a painful blow to Vanessa, especially given the longevity of their partnership.

The TV agony aunt shared that she found out about Ben’s infidelity on Christmas Day, a heartbreaking timing that added further emotional weight to their separation. This discovery was the breaking point that led to the end of their engagement.

Vanessa’s Previous Marriage

Before her relationship with Ben, Vanessa Feltz was married to Michael Kurer. The couple divorced five years prior to Vanessa meeting Ben. Allegations of cheating played a role in the dissolution of her previous marriage, which likely influenced her feelings of caution regarding marriage in her relationship with Ben.

Is Vanessa Feltz In A Relationship

In an interview with OK! Magazine, Vanessa openly expressed her wariness of getting married again due to the impact of her divorce from her doctor ex-husband. The trauma of her previous marriage’s breakup had a profound effect on her, making her hesitant about taking the plunge into marriage once more.

Ben Ofoedu’s Struggles

In the wake of their separation, Ben Ofoedu opened up about his emotional struggles. He revealed that he had “spiraled out of control” following the breakup, citing the additional loss of his brother Roy, who passed away unexpectedly at the age of 47. These events took a heavy toll on him, leading to a period of profound emotional distress.

Ben shared his experiences with MailOnline, acknowledging the difficulties he faced in dealing with grief and public scrutiny. He discussed how online trolling and backlash exacerbated his already fragile emotional state, leading him to understand the feelings of hopelessness that some individuals face when overwhelmed by criticism and negativity.

Moving Forward

Despite the pain and challenges both Vanessa and Ben have faced in the aftermath of their breakup, life continues for them separately. Vanessa Feltz is determined to stay positive and hopeful about the future. She humorously mentioned that she’s heard Kylie Minogue is single again and suggested they could hit the town together, finding solace in the company of others who have experienced similar relationship setbacks.


The breakup of Vanessa Feltz and Ben Ofoedu, after 16 years together, was a significant event that captured public attention. Vanessa’s discovery of Ben’s infidelity on Christmas Day marked a painful end to their long partnership. Vanessa’s previous marriage had made her cautious about tying the knot again, and this caution remained a part of their relationship.

On the other hand, Ben Ofoedu faced his own struggles following the breakup, dealing with personal grief and the harsh spotlight of public scrutiny. The experience prompted him to reflect on the impact of online trolling and criticism on one’s mental health.

As for Vanessa Feltz’s current relationship status, she remains single and optimistic about what the future holds. While her breakup with Ben was undoubtedly challenging, Vanessa’s resilience and sense of humor shine through as she looks ahead to the next chapter in her life.

Also Read,

Are Vanessa and Ben back together?

No, Vanessa Feltz and Ben Ofoedu are not back together. They ended their relationship after Vanessa discovered that Ben had been unfaithful multiple times across their 16-year relationship.

Who is Vanessa Feltz partner?

Vanessa Feltz’s previous partner was Michael Kurer, whom she was married to from 1983 to 2000. However, as of the latest available information, Vanessa is not in a relationship with Ben Ofoedu or anyone else.

Has Vanessa split up with her partner?

Yes, Vanessa Feltz announced the end of her relationship with Ben Ofoedu. Their breakup marked the conclusion of their 16-year partnership, which was revealed following Vanessa’s discovery of Ben’s infidelity.

sayyed ayan

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