Liz Storer Wikipedia, Husband, Biography, Advance, Australia, Married, Parents, Partner, Photos

By sayyed ayan

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Liz Storer Wikipedia, Husband, Biography, Advance, Australia, Married, Parents, Partner, Photos

Liz Storer Wikipedia, Husband, Biography, Advance, Australia, Married, Parents, Partner, Photos

Liz Storer Wikipedia, Husband, Biography, Advance, Australia, Married, Parents, Partner, Photos – If former Australian Prime Minister Bob Hawke were starting his political career today, he might have faced backlash on social media and fallen victim to “cancel culture.” This is what Liz Storer, the 36-year-old leader of Advance Australia, believes.

Liz Storer Wikipedia, Husband, Biography, Advance, Australia, Married, Parents, Partner, Photos

Leading a Movement Against Political Correctness

Advance Australia is a right-wing organization similar to the left-leaning activist group GetUp. Storer thinks that there are many more Australians who share her views than the “radical left,” but they’ve been hesitant to engage in active political participation.

Storer is concerned about what she calls “political correctness.” She believes it’s affecting Australian culture, including our famed “larrikinism” (a term referring to a carefree and rebellious spirit) and our heritage. She believes that Australians are afraid to speak their minds for fear of being shamed, boycotted, or bullied online.

She longs for the days of straightforward politicians like Paul Keating and Bob Hawke, who spoke their minds without worrying about political correctness. Storer believes that today, such politicians would be “de-platformed.”

She thinks that many politicians today are holding back their true opinions to secure votes, and this is detrimental to the country. She encourages politicians to speak candidly and be honest with the Australian public.

Storer blames the rise of political correctness on the influence of the “radical left.” She cites examples such as the decision by the Inner West Council in Sydney to cancel Australia Day festivities on January 26 in the name of respecting Indigenous peoples. This decision was made based on just 37 survey responses.

She also criticizes the “de-platforming” of public figures like tennis legend Margaret Court and rugby union star Israel Folau due to their religious beliefs and controversial remarks.

While Storer doesn’t necessarily agree with all of Court and Folau’s statements, she believes that everyone should have the right to express their personal beliefs without facing consequences. She thinks that mainstream Australians are growing tired of the radical left’s intolerance.

Advance Australia was established about a year ago to mobilize center-right individuals to champion their own concerns. Storer, a former political adviser, is now leading the organization’s efforts to expand its membership and campaigns. She identifies free speech, climate change “alarmism,” and national sovereignty as major concerns.

Despite being a right-wing group, Storer is not afraid to criticize politicians from her own side. She points out instances where the current government allocated taxpayer dollars to the Clean Energy Finance Corporation, a move she finds inconsistent with conservative principles.

Liz Storer Wikipedia, Husband, Biography, Advance, Australia, Married, Parents, Partner, Photos

Storer emphasizes that Advance Australia’s mission is to represent mainstream Australians, regardless of their political affiliation. She promises to call out hypocrisy and hold politicians accountable for their promises.

Storer believes that Australia is a land of opportunity, and respectful disagreement is essential in a representative democracy. She remains optimistic about the country’s future but is concerned that the radical left is undermining the nation’s strengths.


In conclusion, Liz Storer is leading the charge against what she sees as excessive political correctness in Australia. She wants politicians to be more open and honest and believes that mainstream Australians are tired of radical left ideologies. Advance Australia aims to bring center-right individuals together to advocate for their concerns and hold politicians accountable, regardless of their political allegiance.

Who is Liz Storer, and what is her role in Australian politics?

Liz Storer is a 36-year-old leader who heads the right-wing organization Advance Australia. She has previously worked as a political adviser to Liberal MPs and served as a local councillor in Perth.

What does Liz Storer believe about political correctness in Australia?

Storer is critical of what she views as excessive political correctness in Australia. She believes that it has a negative impact on Australian culture, stifles free speech, and has led to politicians being less candid in their communication.

How does Liz Storer think political correctness has affected Australian culture?

According to Storer, political correctness has undermined Australian culture, particularly the renowned “larrikinism” and heritage. She believes it has made people afraid to speak their minds for fear of backlash.

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sayyed ayan

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