Yaroslav Hunka Wikipedia, Canada, Nazi Reddit, WW2

By sayyed ayan

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Yaroslav Hunka Wikipedia, Canada, Nazi Reddit, WW2

Yaroslav Hunka Wikipedia, Canada, Nazi Reddit, WW2

Yaroslav Hunka Wikipedia, Canada, Nazi Reddit, WW2 – In recent news, Canada found itself in the midst of a major controversy when the government, led by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, honored a 98-year-old Ukrainian war veteran. The issue at hand? This veteran was believed to have fought alongside a Nazi military unit during World War II. The unexpected recognition, which included a standing ovation from Canadian lawmakers, has raised eyebrows and led to a heated debate about the appropriateness of honoring someone with such a questionable past. In this article, we will delve into the details of this controversy, the reactions it has elicited, and its broader implications.

Yaroslav Hunka Wikipedia, Canada, Nazi Reddit, WW2

The Honoring of Yaroslav Hunka

The controversy began when Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy addressed the Canadian Parliament in Ottawa. Following his speech, Canadian lawmakers gave a standing ovation to Yaroslav Hunka, a 98-year-old war veteran. He was introduced by House Speaker Anthony Rota as a ‘war hero’ for both Canadians and Ukrainians. Trudeau and other lawmakers cheered for him during the ceremony.

The Crux of the Issue

The main point of contention is Yaroslav Hunka’s alleged affiliation with the First Ukrainian Division, also known as the Waffen-SS Galicia Division. This was a voluntary military unit that served under the command of Nazi Germany during World War II. The Nazi regime, led by Adolf Hitler, was responsible for the genocide of millions of Jewish people and other communities. This dark history has left an indelible mark on the world’s memory.

Opposition Leader’s Reaction

Canadian opposition leader Pierre Poilievre expressed his shock and disappointment on social media. He called the event an “appalling error in judgment” on the part of Prime Minister Trudeau and demanded an apology. Poilievre pointed out that other parliamentarians, aside from Trudeau, had no opportunity to vet Hunka’s past before he was honored in the House of Commons. The lack of prior context made it impossible for anyone in the room to know about Hunka’s association with the Nazi military unit.

The Outrage from Human Rights Organizations

The Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center (FSWC), an organization dedicated to combating anti-Semitism and Holocaust distortion, expressed deep concern over the recognition of Hunka. They were outraged that Hunka received a standing ovation from Canadian parliamentarians. In their statement, they emphasized the horrifying crimes committed by the Waffen-SS Galicia Division and its role in the mass murder of innocent civilians during the Holocaust.

The FSWC also demanded an apology from the Canadian government, not just to Holocaust survivors and World War II veterans but to the entire world. They called for an explanation regarding how Hunka was allowed to enter the Canadian Parliament and receive such an honor.

Yaroslav Hunka Wikipedia, Canada, Nazi Reddit, WW2

Speaker Rota Apology

House Speaker Anthony Rota, who introduced Yaroslav Hunka in the Parliament, issued an apology. He particularly directed his apology to Jewish communities, accepting full responsibility for the initiative. Rota explained that neither fellow parliamentarians nor the Ukrainian delegation were aware of his intentions or remarks before he delivered them. He clarified that the decision was entirely his own, as Hunka was from his riding and had been brought to his attention.

Trudeau Response

Prime Minister Trudeau’s office stated that they had no advance notice of Speaker Rota’s invitation or the recognition granted to Hunka. They supported Rota’s decision to apologize and deemed it “the right thing to do.” The Ukrainian delegation was also caught off guard by the incident.

The Conservative Party Reaction

Canada’s Conservative party, the main opposition party, was not aware of Hunka’s history at the time of the event. A spokesperson for the party, Sebastian Skamski, expressed deep concern over the reports about Hunka’s past. He mentioned that Trudeau’s party would have to provide an explanation for why Hunka was invited to the event.

Ukraine President Zelenskyy Address

It’s essential to highlight that this controversy unfolded after Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy addressed the Canadian Parliament. During his speech, he aimed to garner support for Ukraine’s ongoing struggle against Russia. Zelenskyy, who is Jewish himself, has a personal connection to the Holocaust as he lost relatives in the tragic event. His presence in Canada was significant for strengthening ties between the two nations.


The controversy surrounding the recognition of Yaroslav Hunka, a WWII veteran with alleged ties to the Nazis, has stirred intense debate in Canada and beyond. It has raised questions about the vetting process for such honors and the importance of historical awareness. While Speaker Rota has issued an apology, this incident serves as a stark reminder of the need for thorough research before bestowing honors on individuals, especially those with potentially controversial backgrounds. It also underscores the ongoing efforts to combat anti-Semitism and Holocaust distortion.

Why is there controversy surrounding the Canadian government’s honor of a WWII veteran?

The controversy stems from the recognition of a 98-year-old Ukrainian war veteran, Yaroslav Hunka, who is believed to have fought alongside a Nazi military unit during World War II. This raised questions about the appropriateness of honoring someone with such a questionable past.

What exactly is the crux of the issue surrounding Yaroslav Hunka?

The main point of contention is Yaroslav Hunka’s alleged affiliation with the First Ukrainian Division, also known as the Waffen-SS Galicia Division. This was a voluntary military unit that served under the command of Nazi Germany during World War II, and the Nazi regime was responsible for the genocide of millions of Jewish people and other communities.

How did Canadian opposition leader Pierre Poilievre react to the controversy?

Pierre Poilievre expressed shock and disappointment, calling it an “appalling error in judgment” on the part of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. He demanded an apology and pointed out that other parliamentarians had no opportunity to vet Hunka’s past before he was honored in the House of Commons.

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sayyed ayan

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1 thought on “Yaroslav Hunka Wikipedia, Canada, Nazi Reddit, WW2”

  1. I read the word “alleged” throughout the entire text. There is no doubt about Mr.Hunka having served in the 14th SS Division “Galizien” as there is enough documentary evidence to support it. And even if he hadn’t served in the SS, his title “fighter against Russia (sic)” meaning the USSR, would have put him in the Banderite OUN ranks which were among other atrocities, guilty of the Volhyna massacre in which the entire Polish population of Lviv, about 60,000, were slaughtered just before the arrival of the Soviet army. How you turn it, Mr. Hunka is bad news and is, like the Azov Brigade and the countless hommages in Ukraine rendered to Stepan Bandera, the OUN
    and the Ukrainian SS, a reminder that the West supports a country with a serious problem that undermines its democratic and antiracist image. With so much historical information online, there is no excuse for this show of blatant ignorance from the side of Canadian politicians. And as Zelensky goes, his Jewish grandfather fought against persons like Hunka, and his Jewish background means squat considering the nature of what he is heading. Shame on Canada and her leaders.


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