Amanda C Riley Instagram, Wikipedia, Wiki, Blogger Cancer Husband, Blog, Sentence, Scammer, Documentary

By sayyed ayan

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Amanda C Riley Instagram, Wikipedia, Wiki, Blogger Cancer Husband, Blog, Sentence, Scammer, Documentary

Amanda C Riley Instagram, Wikipedia, Wiki, Blogger Cancer Husband, Blog, Sentence, Scammer, Documentary

Amanda C Riley Instagram, Wikipedia, Wiki, Blogger Cancer Husband, Blog, Sentence, Scammer, Documentary – In 2012, Amanda Christine Riley, a California-based Christian blogger and mother of two, began a blog called “Lymphoma Can Suck It.” She claimed to be on a courageous journey battling Hodgkin’s lymphoma, a type of cancer. Through her blog and social media, she shared her story and garnered sympathy, even receiving monetary donations from kind-hearted individuals, friends, and even celebrities who wanted to help with her medical expenses. However, there was a shocking truth hidden behind her claims: Amanda Riley never had cancer.

Amanda C Riley Instagram, Wikipedia, Wiki, Blogger Cancer Husband, Blog, Sentence, Scammer, Documentary

Fast forward to today, Amanda Riley, now 38 years old, finds herself in the spotlight for a very different reason. Her story is the focus of Charlie Webster’s popular podcast, “Scamanda,” which unravels the web of lies she spun for nearly a decade. This deceit involved not just her online persona but also her interactions with friends, co-workers, and even a mega-church. She managed to swindle over $100,000 in donations, all under the guise of needing funds for cancer treatments and special experiences before her supposed demise.

Riley’s blog was filled with dramatic accounts of her battle with cancer, often claiming she was on the brink of death. However, miraculously, she would describe a “terminal miracle” that temporarily put her cancer into remission, emotionally manipulating her followers. At one point, she even asserted that her pregnancy had “reversed the cancer,” a claim that was as untrue as the rest. Over seven years, Riley collected at least 349 donations totaling more than $105,000 through this fraudulent scheme.

Amanda C. Riley’s Deceptive Web Unraveled

Amanda Riley’s deception could have continued indefinitely if not for the diligence of investigative producer Nancy Moscatiello. In 2019, she received an anonymous tip about Riley’s questionable claims and decided to investigate further. Riley responded aggressively by attempting to sue Moscatiello for civil harassment, a lawsuit that was eventually dismissed by the judge.

Moscatiello’s personal connection to the issue fueled her determination. She lost her own sister to cancer and decided to dig deeper into Riley’s claims. She contacted the hospitals and clinics Riley mentioned in her blog, scrutinized the photos she posted, and discovered inconsistencies. Moscatiello’s findings prompted her to seek the assistance of Jose Martinez, a retired financial crimes detective based in San Jose. Martinez eventually forwarded the case to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

In July 2020, Amanda Riley was charged with financial crimes related to her scheme to solicit donations for nonexistent cancer treatments, a violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 1343. This section of the law prohibits obtaining money or property through false or fraudulent pretenses, representations, or promises transmitted via wire, radio, or television communication in interstate or foreign commerce.

During the trial, it became clear just how far Riley had gone to perpetuate her fraud. She had shaved her head to appear as though she was undergoing chemotherapy, falsified medical records, forged physicians’ documents, and created a collection of photos to support her fake cancer journey.

Amanda C Riley Instagram, Wikipedia, Wiki, Blogger Cancer Husband, Blog, Sentence, Scammer, Documentary

In May 2022, Riley pleaded guilty to wire fraud, a significant step towards her accountability. The court ordered her to pay restitution in the amount of $105,513 and sentenced her to 60 months in prison. This case marked a historic moment for the IRS, as it was the first financial conviction of someone who faked cancer for fundraising purposes.

Amanda Riley Present Situation

Today, Amanda Riley finds herself incarcerated at FMC Carswell, a federal prison in Ft. Worth, Texas. This facility houses prisoners of all security levels and specializes in caring for prisoners with mental and physical health needs.

During her sentencing, Judge Beth Labson Freeman didn’t mince words. She described Riley as someone who “preyed on the kindness and goodwill of innocent, loving people” and pointed out that she had “invaded the sanctity of communities and grieving members of support groups” to defraud her victims and fund her own lifestyle. This harsh reality was reported by the Huffington Post.

In the sentencing memorandum filed by prosecutors Stephanie M. Hinds and Michael G. Pitman, they highlighted the “awful irony” that Riley’s friends would have supported her if she had honestly asked for help. Instead, she consciously chose to deceive people who trusted her and exploited their generosity over several years. This behavior left a lasting impact on her victims, fundamentally altering their perception of the world.

Amanda Riley’s case serves as a stark reminder of the consequences that can follow deceitful actions. Her decade-long charade took advantage of people’s empathy and willingness to help those in need. It serves as a cautionary tale against the misuse of trust and the importance of verifying claims, even in the age of social media and online communities.

Amanda C Riley Instagram, Wikipedia, Wiki, Blogger Cancer Husband, Blog, Sentence, Scammer, Documentary


In conclusion, Amanda C. Riley’s journey from deception to incarceration sheds light on the power of truth and accountability. Her story is a stark reminder of the impact of dishonesty and manipulation, especially when it preys on the genuine compassion of others. Amanda Riley’s fraudulent actions not only harmed her victims but also led to her historic legal conviction, serving as a lesson that deception ultimately comes with a cost.

How did Amanda C. Riley get caught?

Amanda C. Riley’s deceitful actions were exposed thanks to the efforts of investigative producer Nancy Moscatiello. In 2019, Nancy received a tip from an anonymous source suggesting she should look into Amanda Riley’s activities. This prompted Nancy to begin her investigation. Amanda Riley, in response to Nancy’s inquiries, tried to sue her for harassment, but her lawsuit was ultimately dismissed by a judge. Nancy, motivated by her own personal connection to cancer, dug deeper into Amanda Riley’s claims. She contacted the hospitals and clinics Amanda mentioned in her blog, scrutinized the photos Amanda posted, and found inconsistencies. Nancy’s findings led her to enlist the help of Jose Martinez, a retired financial crimes detective, who eventually brought the case to the attention of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). This ultimately led to Amanda Riley’s exposure and legal consequences.

What is Amanda Riley doing now?

Currently, Amanda Riley, a former teacher and principal from Northern California, is serving a five-year federal prison sentence for wire fraud. She was sentenced in May of the previous year after pleading guilty to her involvement in the fraudulent scheme in October 2021.

Who is Scamanda Amanda?

Amanda C. Riley began her blog, “Lymphoma Can Suck It,” in 2012, following her diagnosis with Hodgkin’s lymphoma when she was in her late 20s. She used various platforms, including her blog, social media, public speaking engagements, and appearances at her megachurch, to chronicle her supposed battle with cancer over a period of more than seven years. However, it was later revealed that her claims of having cancer were untrue, and she had deceived people by pretending to be a cancer patient.

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sayyed ayan

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