Gary Shapley Wikipedia, Background, Irs, Twitter, Jr, Politics

By sayyed ayan

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Gary Shapley Wikipedia, Background, Irs, Twitter, Jr, Politics

Gary Shapley Wikipedia, Background, Irs, Twitter, Jr, Politics

Gary Shapley Wikipedia, Background, Irs, Twitter, Jr, Politics – In recent times, there has been a lot of talk about an investigation into Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden. This investigation has been a subject of controversy and debate. One of the key figures in this saga is an IRS whistleblower named Gary Shapley, who made some serious allegations about the investigation. This article will break down what’s been happening and what Shapley’s handwritten notes reveal.

Gary Shapley Wikipedia, Background, Irs, Twitter, Jr, Politics

Gary Shapley Background

The story begins with the Hunter Biden investigation, which was led by a U.S. attorney named David Weiss. This investigation was looking into various matters related to Hunter Biden. It’s important to note that the U.S. attorney has significant power in deciding whether to bring charges in a case like this.

IRS Whistleblower Gary Shapley

Gary Shapley is the whistleblower in this story. He’s a person who worked for the IRS, which is the agency responsible for collecting taxes in the United States. Shapley claimed that David Weiss, the U.S. attorney in charge of the investigation, told him that he didn’t have the authority to bring charges in the Hunter Biden case. This was a serious allegation because, if true, it could mean that the investigation wasn’t being handled properly.

Gary Shapley Handwritten Notes

Shapley provided what he said were his handwritten notes from a meeting that took place in October 2022. These notes are crucial because they are a record of what was said during that meeting. According to Shapley’s notes, Weiss said, “He is not the deciding person.” This seemed to confirm Shapley’s claim that Weiss didn’t have the authority to make decisions about charging Hunter Biden.

Attorney General Statement

In June, Attorney General Merrick Garland made a statement about Weiss’s authority. He said that Weiss had the power to make decisions about prosecuting Hunter Biden. This statement seemed to contradict what Shapley had claimed Weiss said during their meeting.

Weiss Perspective

David Weiss, the U.S. attorney, insisted that he did have the “ultimate authority” in the investigation. He also said that he had asked for special counsel status, which would give him even more power to continue the probe. Attorney General Garland eventually granted him this special counsel status, indicating that it was in the public interest to do so.

Gary Shapley Wikipedia, Background, Irs, Twitter, Jr, Politics

FBI Agent Testimony

The story took an interesting turn when a senior FBI agent named Thomas J. Sobocinski testified before the House Judiciary Committee. He was asked about Shapley’s allegations and shown Shapley’s handwritten notes. According to the transcript of the testimony, Sobocinski said that he did not remember Weiss saying that he lacked the authority to decide on prosecuting Hunter Biden. This was a significant development because it contradicted Shapley’s claims.

Sobocinski Response

When asked about the specific point in Shapley’s notes where it mentioned that Weiss had requested special counsel authority but was denied, Sobocinski also said he didn’t remember Weiss saying that. This raised questions about the accuracy of Shapley’s notes and allegations.

Denials and Silence

The Justice Department, which oversees the FBI, and David Weiss’s spokesperson denied Shapley’s allegations. These allegations included the claim that Hunter Biden received special treatment because he is the son of President Biden and that investigators were prevented from pursuing evidence related to President Biden. Both the FBI and the Justice Department declined to comment on Shapley’s handwritten notes.

Shapley Move

In response to the FBI agent’s testimony, Shapley’s lawyers sent a letter to the House Judiciary Committee. They provided an unredacted version of Shapley’s handwritten notes to the committee. They wanted the committee to assess the truthfulness of Sobocinski’s testimony.

Internal IRS Communications

Shapley had also included internal IRS communications as part of his claims. One email exchange from October 11, 2022, between IRS staff members confirmed Shapley’s account of the meeting with Weiss. In this email exchange, Shapley asked his colleagues if his summary of the meeting, including Weiss’s statement about lacking the authority to charge Hunter Biden, was accurate. One of his colleagues confirmed that it was.

Questions Remain

Despite this confirmation, there are still questions about the accuracy of Shapley’s claims. Sobocinski, the FBI agent, stated that he didn’t remember Weiss making such statements. This created a discrepancy between Shapley’s handwritten notes and Sobocinski’s recollection.

Gary Shapley Wikipedia, Background, Irs, Twitter, Jr, Politics

Upcoming Testimony

The article also mentions that Attorney General Garland is scheduled to testify before the House Judiciary Committee on September 20. This could be an important development in the ongoing investigation.


In summary, this article discusses the controversy surrounding the Hunter Biden investigation and the claims made by IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley. Shapley’s handwritten notes from a meeting with U.S. attorney David Weiss seemed to support his allegations that Weiss lacked the authority to bring charges against Hunter Biden. However, the testimony of FBI agent Thomas J. Sobocinski contradicted these claims. The situation remains complex, and questions about the accuracy of Shapley’s allegations persist. The upcoming testimony of Attorney General Garland may shed further light on this matter.

Did the Justice Department and David Weiss’s spokesperson respond to these allegations?

Both the Justice Department, which oversees the FBI, and David Weiss’s spokesperson denied Shapley’s allegations. They declined to comment on Shapley’s handwritten notes.

What are the main allegations made by Shapley in this case?

Shapley’s allegations include the claim that Hunter Biden received preferential treatment because he is the son of President Biden and that investigators were prevented from pursuing evidence related to President Biden.

What did Shapley’s lawyers do in response to Sobocinski’s testimony?

Shapley’s lawyers sent a letter to the House Judiciary Committee, providing an unredacted version of Shapley’s handwritten notes. They wanted the committee to assess the truthfulness of Sobocinski’s testimony.

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sayyed ayan

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