Ruby Franke and Jodi Hildebrandt Relationship

By sayyed ayan

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Ruby Franke and Jodi Hildebrandt Relationship

Ruby Franke and Jodi Hildebrandt Relationship

Ruby Franke and Jodi Hildebrandt Relationship – The world of social media influencers is often portrayed as a glamorous realm filled with perfect families and idyllic lives. However, behind the carefully curated images and polished videos, there can be dark secrets and disturbing realities. The case of Ruby Franke and her business partner, Jodi Hildebrandt, has shocked the online community and raised questions about the true nature of their relationship.

The Rise of “8 Passengers”

Ruby Franke and Jodi Hildebrandt Relationship

Ruby Franke, a mother of six, became a well-known figure on YouTube through her family vlog channel, “8 Passengers.” Launched in 2015, the channel garnered over two million followers by offering viewers a glimpse into the Franke family’s daily life. However, what appeared to be an ordinary family vlog took a sinister turn as allegations of child abuse came to light.

Allegations of Child Abuse

Many viewers of “8 Passengers” had expressed concerns about Ruby Franke’s parenting style. In some of her videos, she seemed to employ questionable disciplinary methods, such as withholding food from her children if they didn’t complete their chores or obey her commands. One particularly disturbing clip showed her youngest son, Russell, being denied breakfast, a move that raised eyebrows and left viewers deeply concerned.

The situation took a darker turn when Russell, just 12 years old, managed to escape from Jodi Hildebrandt’s residence. He was found with open wounds and duct tape on his wrists and ankles, seeking help and sustenance from neighbors who, in turn, alerted the authorities. Ruby’s 10-year-old daughter, Eve, was also discovered in a similar state. Both children were rushed to the hospital, with Russell placed on a medical hold due to the severity of his injuries and malnourishment.

A search of Hildebrandt’s home uncovered evidence consistent with the injuries sustained by Russell. The Utah Division of Child and Family Services intervened, leading to the arrest of Ruby Franke and Jodi Hildebrandt on charges of child abuse.

The Mysterious Relationship

Ruby Franke and Jodi Hildebrandt’s relationship was not limited to their YouTube endeavors. Hildebrandt, the owner of a counseling service called “ConneXions,” had a joint YouTube channel with Franke, where they offered advice on relationships. However, as news of their arrests and the child abuse allegations spread, questions arose about whether there was more to their connection than just business.

Rumors were fueled by the claims of one of Hildebrandt’s alleged victims, Adam Paul Steed, who asserted that Hildebrandt had an “inappropriate relationship” with his ex-wife. Steed’s testimony, shared on social media, triggered a wave of speculation about the nature of the bond between Hildebrandt and Franke.

Ruby Franke and Jodi Hildebrandt Relationship

In his statement, Steed explained how he had sought counseling with Hildebrandt during a difficult time in his marriage. He believed that Hildebrandt’s actions ultimately led to his divorce, as she allegedly defamed him by spreading false information to his bishop and to the BYU honor code office.

Furthermore, Steed accused Hildebrandt of having secret meetings with high-ranking Mormon leaders and claimed that she was deeply embedded in the Mormon church’s leadership. He asserted that Hildebrandt had influenced those leaders to view him as dangerous due to his questioning of certain practices. These allegations added to the intrigue surrounding their relationship.

Social Media Reactions

As news of Ruby Franke and Jodi Hildebrandt’s arrests and the disturbing allegations circulated on social media, the online community was quick to react. TikTok, in particular, became a platform where users discussed their suspicions about the nature of the relationship between Franke and Hildebrandt.

Some users expressed their shock and disbelief, with one commenter stating, “I’ve never watched this family; I’ve only seen clips, but I thought they were a couple from the few I’ve seen.” Others voiced their concerns and shared their suspicions, indicating that they had sensed something amiss.

The revelations about Hildebrandt’s alleged actions and the claims made by Steed added another layer of complexity to the situation. It became evident that the story was not limited to child abuse allegations but extended to the intricate web of relationships and interactions involving Hildebrandt, Franke, and others.

ConneXions: A Cult-Like Allegation

The controversy surrounding Jodi Hildebrandt’s counseling service, “ConneXions,” took an alarming turn as disturbing reviews emerged. Some individuals who claimed to have interacted with the service likened it to a cult, alleging mind control and manipulative tactics.

One individual wrote, “I wouldn’t trust this company. They use brainwashing tactics to manipulate you, they intentionally make you feel bad about yourself and use slander. Please stay away from this company at all costs. They are a scam.” Another claimed, “They will ruin your family through mind control. They don’t want you to think for yourself and critically think. They want to shelter you. They are an actual cult.”

These allegations raised questions about the ethical practices and methods employed by ConneXions. It remains to be seen whether any legal actions will be taken against the service in light of these serious accusations.

Ruby Franke’s Husband and Children

Throughout this harrowing ordeal, Ruby Franke’s husband, Kevin Franke, has maintained a presence in the public eye. He often appeared in “8 Passengers” videos alongside his family. As of now, Kevin is not facing abuse charges and is focused on caring for his children.

Ruby Franke and Jodi Hildebrandt Relationship
Ruby Franke and Jodi Hildebrandt Relationship

Randy S. Kester, Kevin Franke’s attorney, has stated that his client’s primary concern is keeping his children together under his care. When asked about the possibility of divorce, Kester refrained from commenting on the topic, leaving it open-ended.

The other Franke children, including Russell and Eve, have been placed in protective custody following the arrests of their mother and Hildebrandt. The severity of the injuries inflicted on these two children led a judge to deny bail for both defendants, emphasizing the urgency of the situation.

Disturbing Videos and Testimonies

In the wake of the allegations, many “8 Passengers” videos were reuploaded on platforms like TikTok. These videos shed light on some deeply troubling moments in the Franke family’s life. One clip showed Russell being forced to do push-ups as a form of punishment for leaving his socks in the yard. Other videos captured Ruby scolding her daughter, with the implication that breakfast would be withheld if the child did not comply.

These videos, combined with the disturbing testimonies and allegations, painted a distressing picture of the Franke family’s dynamics. Concerns about the children’s well-being had been expressed by viewers for some time, and the events that transpired seemed to validate those concerns.

Support from Ruby Franke’s Sisters

In the midst of this tumultuous situation, Ruby Franke’s two sisters, Ellie Mecham and Julie Griffiths Deru, broke their silence. In a joint statement on Instagram, they revealed that they had been working behind the scenes to ensure the safety of Ruby’s children. The statement read, “For the last 3 years, we have kept quiet on the subject of our sister Ruby Franke for the sake of her children. Behind the public scene, we have done everything we could to try and make sure the kids were safe.”

Their statement underscored the gravity of the situation and the lengths to which they had gone to protect their nieces and nephews.

Also Read,

Who is Jodi to Ruby?

Jodi Hildebrandt is the business partner of Ruby Franke, a well-known Utah parenting advice YouTuber. The two individuals were associated in both their professional endeavors and on their YouTube channels.

Who is Ruby Franke husband?

Ruby Franke’s husband is Kevin Franke. Together, they are the parents of six children who were featured on their former YouTube channel, “8 Passengers,” which gained millions of followers over the years.

Who is Jodi Hildebrandt?

Jodi Hildebrandt is an embattled sex therapist who has faced serious legal charges, including six felony child abuse charges in Utah. She is known for her association with Ruby Franke and their joint YouTube channel, as well as her own professional counseling services.

sayyed ayan

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